To all the wonderful volunteers and donors who have supported ODA in making a huge difference in the children's lives.
Fiona Rogers - Thank you for all your hard work organizing and setting up the very first Art Exhibition for ODA.
Jane & Craig Tepper - Thank you for donating and raising money from Australia to help ODA to buy the basic necessities to make their lives that much better.
Michael Bergman - Thank you for allowing us to have a permanent Art Exhibition at the Singing Tree Cafe.
Heike Merz - Thank you for your wonderful art ideas and continued support in Germany to find funding and sponsors for ODA.
Maclachlan Antoinette - Thank you for setting up the program to sell the children's postcards internationally to raise donations for ODA.
2 americans - Thank you for
Sina and Matthias - Thank you for giving monthly donations to ODA and coming to ODA's first Art Opening.
Dr. donating money - Thank you for